Tuesday, 26 June 2012


I read an article this past Sunday in the City Press about new urban tribes....It was very easy to find where I belong. I am not in anyway putting myself in a box as the is more to mommy than just what  I felt resonated with me while reading this...... Over and above I was happy that we were making our mark in society that our contribution in a world that seems to want to dismiss "believers" as not relevant.We are still felt!

24 June 2012 City Press (Dion Chang)

In 2008, American author and public speaker Seth  Godin published tribes :We Need You To Lead Us. In the book, he identified an emerging pattern of new communities connecting with one another outside of the usual socioeconomic benchmarks, such as living standards  measures........

The article further broke down the different concepts of tribes or clustering....the one I knew I fitted in like a glove was this one


Otherwise known as "believers" this tribe is part of a growing number that has turned to faith to find fulfilment. As a result, faith- based young people have turned away from traditional,hierarchical religious institutions in favour of emergent "missional churches"which are more interested in making lasting difference through missionary actions.

Because this tribe prefer to live out their faith  through missionary work programmes rather than preaching. they have a deep commitment to social justice and are known to engage in discussion to make sense of global issues -such as South Africa's wealth gap and ethics of consumerism- from a moral and/or Biblical worldview.

They find the crass commercialisation of their faith offencive and are particularly  disparaging of the commercial "Jesus culture". They are aspiring "philanthropic entrepreneurs"with a desire to create strong Christian business and networking opportunities.

The article of course explained a lot of other clusters from "born frees" to domestic PA's (want one,one day lol) to single parents: Double life. I found it very interesting. I also found the "the most surprising findings rather very clear but know that because of semantics someone might feel the article is suggesting that we are dismissing the name of Jesus but as a matter of fact I think what its saying is the commercial aspect of it is what is in question hence its disparage. What I also found fascinating was this has been going on for years if not decades. I am a result of missionary work, I am a second generation of people that came to the knowledge of the gospel through missions. Your grandparents were directly influenced by mission works, your grandma graduated because of missions funding. All I can say is I am glad the rest of the world is coming to the party because as far as I've known this is what Christianity is about. We make things happen, as for Christian business and net working opportunities my Pastor calls this breed "the sons of consolation"they not only make the money but they propagate the gospel with it!

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